The third installment of the Faces at the Palace series will take place this Friday, November 23rd. Bodeco brings rockabilly, The Ladybirds bring swinging garage rock, and Junkyard Dogs come with soul rock. Not bad for a Friday night, huh?
The Faces at the Palace series began in September with The Tunesmiths, She Might Bite, and DJ Matt Anthony. Though there was plenty of breathing room, attendance to the brand new event was high, and October's event saw quite an increase in audience numbers. The Palace must be on to something.
Most locals in Louisville have been to The Palace countless times, but never do they see a local band's name on the opening bill. The Faces at the Palace series, which takes place in the theater lobby, gives local acts a chance to perform at the venue, and gives audiences a more laid back, social setting. Its like slowing down on your daily drive home to notice everything you pass on the way.
The Palace lobby, usually only a step before getting into the main theater, happens to be a fantastic place to put on a show, not to mention its aesthetic value. This event provides an opportunity to enjoy a part of the venue perhaps never previously appreciated in the same way.
So come early and stay late; the show begins at 9pm and ends after midnight. Tickets are $10, and can be purchased beforehand at Guitar Emporium, Acorn Apparel, Mom's Music, and Matt Anthony's Record Shop or at the door.
Photo courtesy of The Ladybirds